Former WHO expert Mike Repacholi speaks on studies that prove there is no link between EMF & Cancer
Former WHO expert Mike Repacholi speaks on studies that prove there is no link between EMF & Cancer
Our Answer:
Michael Repacholi, is a liar and a fraudster giving FALSE EVIDENCE and is BRAINWASHING the Cellphone Users with LIES, making them believe there is NO DANGER, when there is a very clear line of proven cases and more are exposed every day !!
- It is no secret, that Repacholi is paid by the Wireless/Mobile Industry!Internet References:
- BBC: Panorama's Wi-Fi special was unfair Wi-Fi: A Warning Signal, which aired on BBC1 in May 2007 (2007-11-30)
- Repacholi-history which is clear as mud — We wish this man, M. Repacholi, brought to justice (2009-02-01)
- Science and Precautionary Measures in EMF Policy by Mike Repacholi (©2010 IOP Publishing Ltd)
- Petition to remove Dr. Mike Repacholi — Omega News
- A must read: André Fauteux on smart meter spin - EMFactsConsultancies (2012-06-20)
- Italian court says mobile phones cause cancer (2012-10-19)
- Message from Susan Foster, Member of IEMFA (2013-04-07)
- WHO admits “conflicts of interest” Prof. Magda Havas (Sept 2010)
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