Motor Neuron Disease (MND)


Motor Neuron Disease

Motor Neuron Disease

Published on 9 Mar 2012 by Campbellteaching

Motor Neuron Disease

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND)

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND)

Uploaded by jeanals on 4 Aug 2008

Hi again.

I'm Jeannie aged 30, I first noticed ALS/MND in June 2000, diagnosed with ALS July 2001…this video is to show everyone how ALS affects you.

I thought I'd make another video of me walking so you can see how I'm doing.

Motor Neuron Disease before Pulsed EMF Treatment

Motor Neuron Disease before Pulsed EMF Treatment

Uploaded by deoshlok on 1 Sep 2009

Motor neuron disease diagnosed 7 years back complete bedridden unable to hold her head, totally locomotor ataxia age 41 years female EMF Treatment start from 5th June 2009 at Healing Touch, 63 Rafi Ahmed Kidwari Road Kolkata-16 phone 91 33 22652388/89, mob +91 9830054733

Motor Neuron Disease after Pulsed EMF Treatments (after 21 days, 2 hours per day) !!!

Motor Neuron Disease after Pulsed EMF Treatments (after 21 days, 2 hours per day)

Uploaded by deoshlok on 1 Sep 2009

Head Holding started… Age 41 year.. female , was MS patient suffering from 2004, unable to hold her head, unable to move.. but after this EMF Treatment for 21 days… some improvement is found i.e. started holding her head… Dr. Deoshlok Sharma, Healing Touch, 63 Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Road, Kolkata 033-22652388/89 mob. 91 9836538843

Barrie Trower Cell Phone Tower Radiation Dangers Deception (Part 3)

Barrie Trower Cell Phone Tower Radiation Dangers Deception (Part 3)

Uploaded by breatheasy7000 on 27 Jun 2010

Tetra has a possible outlet of 32 Countries and 52 Organisations within this Country, at present.
It must be stopped until there is a full judicial and public hearing into every aspect of this industry.
Not as in "Hansard" where the Minister in response to questions says "It is within Government guidelines".
Which is based only on how warm you get: and even then it is wrong.

Somebody, somewhere, must stop what could be the biggest cause of illness around the World since the plague.
This must go public without fear/prejudice from those in a position of power.
The evidence is already to hand and proof can be obtained experimentally. In a few days. I will do it.

It is time that the intelligence of the general public was recognised and their wishes were respected.
As opposed to Governmental pressure from an intimate relationship with Industrial Power/Money, on planners.

Latest reports:

11 children leaving a school (sick) in Sussex.
11 Leukaemia and 3 Motor Neuron Diseases around a Tetra Mast in East Fife.
90 illness's in Dersley around a new Tetra Mast. Sadly, in each case, neither the police nor Industry could attend the MP's 'call' for a meeting.
Only I turned up! How much confidence does that instil in everybody? Barrie Trower

Bestmed J9 #Whynotme MND awareness and fundraising campaign

Bestmed J9 #Whynotme MND awareness and fundraising campaign