- Do not wear your cellphone on your body, if possible.
- Do not put the cellphone right against your ear, but at least 3cm or more of a gap or use speaker phone if possible.
- Dial numbers and only place your phone close to your ear after you hear the ringing.
- Do not use cellphones inside a Faraday Cage (a metal container, like a Car, Taxi, Bus, Train, Boat/Ship, Aeroplane), as it will bounce inside the cage and reflect off the walls and will need to boost the radiation to break through the Faraday Cage to establish communication.
- Use "Flight Mode" if you have no alarm clock !
- Best would be not to use this Technology at all.
- Do not use inside a Faraday Cage (a metal container, like a Car, Taxi, Bus, Train, Boat/Ship, Aeroplane) as it will bounce inside the cage and reflect off the walls.
- Turn Off when retiring to the bedroom and at night and also engourage your bneighbours to do the same if they have WiFi
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