- Benefits
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- Environmental Health
- Environmental Health Problems
- Facts . . .
- How to EDIT pages (Overview)
- IFG-sa
Illnesses (related to Geopathic Stress & Electro Stress)
- Absenteeism
- Alcohol and Drug Abuse/Addiction
- Alcohol and Drug Addiction
- Allergies
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
- Angelman Syndrome
- Asthma
- Autism
- Bipolar Disorder
- Burn-Out
- Cancer
- Childlessness
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS) / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)
- Chronic Tiredness
- Cot Death / SIDS = Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- Cystic Fibrosis (CF), Mucoviscidosis
- Depression
- Diabetes ('Diabetes mellitus')
- EHS - Electro Hyper Sensitivity
- Electro(-magnetic) (Hyper) Sensitivity (ES/EHS)
- Endometriosis
- Epilepsy
- Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
- Fibromyalgia
- Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
- Headache
- Heart
- Heart Rhythm Problems
- HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)
- Huntington's Disease
- Infertility
- Inflammation
- Insomnia
- Insulin Resistance / Insulin Resistance Syndrome / Metabolic Syndrome
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Kawasaki Disease
- Lupus
- Mental Disorders
- Metabolic Disorder
- Migraines
- Morning Sickness / Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)
- Motor Neuron Disease (MND)
- Multiple Metal Allergy (MMA)
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Muscular Dystrophy (MD)
- Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)
- Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
- Pain
- Parkinsion's Disease
- Parkinson's Disease
- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
- Sjogren's Syndrome
- Sleep Deficit Syndrome
- !!! STRESS !!!
- Suicide
- Tourette's Syndrome (TS)
- Treatment Resistancy / Therapy Resistancy
- Tuberculosis (TB)
- Women's Problems linked to Geopathic Stress and EMF/EMR
- Join This Site
- Legal Matters
- Lists
- Medical Terminology
- Observe Nature
- (Official & Legal) Health Blunders
- Physics explained
Press Releases
- A Thought for World Cancer Day (2012-02-04)
- Celebrating 18 Years of excellent Service in South Africa
- Celebrating 19 Years of excellent Service in South Africa
- Celebrating 20 Years of excellent Service in South Africa
- Celebrating 21 Years of Excellent Service in South(ern) Africa
- Dr Mamphela Ramphele's New Political Party, February 2013
- "Freedom" Day (2014-04-27) -- Open Letter
- Happy 45th Birthday, Michael Schumacher
- Happy Birthday, Madiba (2011-07-18)
- Happy Birthday, Madiba 2013-07-18 (95 years)
- 'Human Rights' Day 2013-03-21 (Open Letter to Government)
- Message for the Mayor of Johannesburg
- Open Letter to the Minister of Health (2011-07-15)
- Open Letter to the Public Protector (2014-10-10)
- Rest In Peace Nelson/Madiba (1918-07-18 ~ 2013-12-05)
- Rest In Peace, Nelson/Madiba (1918-07-18 ~ 2013-12-05)
- World Environment Day (2013-06-04)
- Yet another two Mile Stones achieved in this week ...
- 44 Reasons to believe Cell Phones can cause Cancer
- Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) - Public Hearing (EU, January 2015)
- Electromagnetic Interference with Medical Devices from 3G Mobile Phone & 4G/ LTE
- Exposing Corruption and Crimes against Humanity . . .
- First Study on 4G/LTE Cell Phone Radiation shows it affects Brain Activity
- France bans Wi-Fi from Schools as they think they are hazardous to their pupils. (2013-05-21)
- "Free" WiFi kills yet another Victim !! (2016-05-26)
- Global Warming Hoax/Scam/Fraud
- International EMF Scientist appealing to UN & WHO
- Israeli Supreme Court ordered Israeli Government to investigate Number of Children suffering from EHS
- Is Wi-Fi Safe for Children? Beware of Health Risks!!
- Letter of Notice Served on Mr Richard Adams (EESC) 2015-02-18
- Many Scientific Mistakes in the WHO
- Mobile Phone Use & Brain Tumours in the CERENAT Case-Control Study
- New research shows wireless increases cancer growth in replication study
- Past, Present and Future of SAR Measurements
- Princeton University pulls Wi-Fi Safety Assurances
- Smart Meters spiral out of control
- Studies: 80% increase in Acoustic Neuroma (Cellphone)
- The Wi-Fi Genocide
- Top 5 Phones with the Highest Radiation
- Trees are dying from Microwave Radiation (Cell Towers)
- WHO and SCENIHR: Scientific Cover-Up at the highest levels
- Why does the YOUNGER GENERATION get illnesses of the ELDERLY ?
- Projects Index
- Earth Radiation
- Electric Blankets
- Electromagnetic Pollution
- Electro Stress
- EMF - ElectroMagnetic Fields
- EMF: News (2006)
- EMF: News (2011)
- EMF: News (latest)
- EMR - ElectroMagnetic Radiation
- Quantum Electro-Dynamics (QED)
- We are all EMF & EMR Guinea Pigs !!!
- Wi-Fi (W-LAN / Wireless LAN)
- Wireless Communication
- Imprinting
- Ionising Radiation
- Non-ionising Radiation
- Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)
- Related Problems
- Researchers
- Responses to Government (National, Provincial, Local)
Responses to the Media and Publications
- Huisgenoot Tydskrif
- ITWeb
- Lead SA
- MyBroadband
- REKORD Newspaper
Responses (Index)
- 2014-09-21 CapeTalk567 - Owen Simons Interview on EMF/EMR/EMP with Peter Heindl (IFG-sa)
- Catching & Brainwashing the People with FREE WiFi making them pay with their HEALTH
- Digital Migration (Implementation of Digital Terrestrial TV) unconstitutional?
- Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?
- Dumping Sewage is Criminal Offence! - Microwave Radiation is not ?
- Fraudsters are busy bombarding unsuspecting Citizens with Microwaves 24/365!!
- Free Wi-Fi a hit with Pretoria (Tshwane) residents
- Free Wi-Fi at Engen service stations - More EMF & Rape to the Human Race !!
- Gauteng MEC for Health wants to spend > R30 Billion on HEALTH
- GOVERNMENT is busy with GENOCIDE against its own people !!
- How Government sells you out ! - Not YOUR Friend !!!
- In five years time 50% of the population could be affected by EHS
- Internet & WiFi at all cost - even if it harms your Health or Life !
- Is the NRCS really working for the people or is it all just a bluff?
- Law: Smoking in cars with children under 12 = Fine of R50.000
- Mayor & City Council of Pretoria 'glorify' Wi-Fi Roll-Out !!
- Online Content Censorship in South Africa looms (2014-12-07)
- Online Content Censorship in South Africa looms (2014-12-07)
- Only the Un-Educated will use Wi-Fi !!!
- Open Letter to President Jacob Zuma, in Reaction to YouthDay Speech 2016
- People - YOU ARE BEING LIED TO, big time !!!
- Project Isizwe: WiFi emerges as SA data saviour (2014-10-03)
- Radiation Damage to the Eyes and Retina (2014-09-23)
- Radio702: 2014-08-01 (09:14) - Redi Tlhabi's Call Screener put down phone in my ear
- Radio702: 2014-08-26 Jenny - Nkandla vs. Wireless (EMF Pollution)
- Radio702: 2014-08-28 - What is ETHICS & Ethical Behaviour ?
- Radio702: 2014-08-31 Hearingloss & Hearing Problems
- Radio702: 2014-08-31 Hearingloss & Hearing Problems
- Reply to FCC (2014-10-18)
- Response to Helen Zille (2015-12-02)
- Response to Helen Zille (2015-12-02)
- September 2014 - Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
- "Smart" Meter Roll-Out started in Pretoria/Tshwane (South Africa) in October 2014
- The ideal clinic has been launched in Pretoria
- The largest (Health) FRAUD currently is ... IRRADIATING PEOPLE without their Consent
- University of Johannesburg (UJ) will train the 3000 Digital Ambassadors
- What if HIV is true ??? vs. What if WiFi is causing harm?
- "What will future generations say about us, today?"
- What you should know about South Africa’s Children’s Act
- Wi-Fi, Cellular Radiation fears lead to Divorce
- Responses on Facebook
- Sarie
- Saturday Star
Talk Radio 702
- 702 : Jenny Crwys Williams Show
- Aubrey Masango
- 'Believe it or not'
- John Robbie
- Leigh Bennie
- Open Letters to TalkRadio702 Management
- Overnight LIVE
Redi Tlhabi Show
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2011-10-24 Consumer & Health Issues (Electrical Safety)
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2011-10-26 - Nutrition / Overweight and Obesity
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2011-11-07 Medical Aid and Medical Services
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2011-11-17 Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Addiction
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2011-12-01 Road Accidents & Street Deaths
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2012-01-25 'Stress'
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2012-02-08 Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2012-06-08 Breast Cancer
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2012-08-03 Obesity Body Shape
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2012-08-17 Male Infertility
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2012-10-26 The Naked Scientist ('RF Remote Control')
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2012-11-01 Rehabilitaion of Offenders
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2012-11-14 Genetics, Rheumatic Fever
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2012-11-22 'Matters of NATIONAL IMPORTANCE'
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2013-03-13 'New Alcohol Law to ban Sale on Sunday'
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2013-03-15 Sleep Apnea and Sexual Dysfunctions
- Redi Tlhabi Show 2013-05-23 Silicosis Case Richard Spoor
- RTS 2013-10-18 - LGBTI Children, Bullying and Discrimination in School — Dr. Eve
- Talk at 9
The Health and Well-being Hour
- The Health and Well-being Hour 2011-02-05 Cancer
- The Health and Well Being Hour 2012-02-04 World Cancer Day
- The Health and Well-Being Hour 2012-10-13 'Functional Medicine'
- The Health and Well-being Hour (2013-01-05) Heart & Sport, Nutrition
- The Health and Well-Being Hour 2013-01-05 Insomnia, Water, CFS, ...
- The Midday Report
- The Money Show
- Various Facebook Pages
- www.sport24.co.za
- YOU Magazine
- Aspartame
- Breast Cancer
- Ebola
- EMF Research
- EMF: Videos on Radiation, Cellphones & Cancer
- Food
- Heart
- Heart Cancer
- !!! ILLNESSES !!! (Summary)
- israeli-supreme-court-ordered-israel-government
- Leakage of the Blood Brain Barrier from EMF Radiation
- Magda Havas
- Motor Neuron Disease (MND)
- NFC / Near Field Communication
- Noise
- Radiation Alert
- _researchers Add
- !!! RESEARCHERS !!! (Overview)
- RESONANCE - Beings of Frequency
- The LIES of Government(s)
- Trees are dying from Microwave Radiation Damage
- Video Index Add
- Videos: Cellphones - Radiation & Cancer
- Videos: Dr. Barrie Trower
- Videos: EMF, Blood and Cells
- Videos: EMF, Radiation, Cellphones & Cancer
- Videos: Microwave Ovens
- Videos: Neil Cherry
- Viktor Schauberger
- We are all EMF/EMR/RF Guinea Pigs !!!
- What is Electro-Magnetic Radiation (EMR) ?
- WHO & Mike Repacholi
- Wi-Fi Fraud
- What is Geopathology