CellC response to angry billboard is how NOT to respond to customers

We are defending Human Rights and the RIGHT for a HEALTHY LIVING ENVIRONMENT for ALL, as it is written in the Constitution of South Africa, which is trampled with feed and raped daily - even by politicians and government !!

TRUTH is the new Hate Speech !!

James Lennox ‏@james_lennox Nov 11

.@CellC response to angry billboard is how NOT to respond to customers. Taking the man responsible to court, will drive business away #FAIL

Francis Herd ‏@FrancisHerd

“@james_lennox: .@CellC response to angry billboard is how NOT to respond to customers. Taking him to court will drive business away" Agree!

Peter Heindl ‏@Geopathology 4m4 minutes ago

If Customers & Service Providers react to these "PEANUTS", I would not like to know how they react …..
@FrancisHerd @james_lennox @CellC

Peter Heindl ‏@Geopathology 3m3 minutes ago

… to the #FACTS that the #Wireless Industry had been #LYING to them since #Cellphones & #WiFi started:
@FrancisHerd @james_lennox @CellC

Peter Heindl ‏@Geopathology 2m2 minutes ago

Currently the #WIRELESS INDUSTRY is still backed by GOVERNMENT, as they see it as a big Milk Cow => Tax!!
@FrancisHerd @james_lennox @CellC

Peter Heindl ‏@Geopathology 18s18 seconds ago

FACTS: #Cellphones & #WiFi make you #SICK/#Cancer !!
@FrancisHerd @james_lennox @CellC