We stand for: PREVENTION is the best CURE !!!
However, we can also HELP YOU with these ILLNESSES and related PROBLEMS !!!
Remember: Your Doctor, is not the 'Master of your Health' - you are,
and entitled to a 2nd and 3rd Opinion … and more if you need!It's YOUR LEGAL RIGHT !!!
Breaking NEWS: ►►► Press Release for our 21st Anniversary ◄◄◄
- 60 Years of Electromagnetic Radiation Research - summed up in only 90 minutes
- HARD EVIDENCE of a much higher radiation with 4G/LTE compared to 3G !! (2013-01-25) — Also see: 4G/LTE
- ►Open Letters◄ | ►►►Uncovering Sarie's 2013-03 "ADHD" Lies - misleading the public !!◄◄◄
Using Wi-Fi Technology is Thalidomide in the making - a real Genocide and Scientific Fraud !!
Say NO to 'Smart Meters'
… as they are not so smart, but rather dangerous !!
'Smart' Meters, as they are already in use in various countries overseas, are not so SMART at all, as they may be causing SERIOUS HEALTH ISSUES, due to uncontrolled (HF/RF) radiation from them. It is only a matter of time . . .
Please beware !!
Smart Meters and Net Metering devices which can cause
… are NOW also being sold and implemented in South Africa !!
TOXINS, never mind how pretty wrapped up still stay POISONOUS!
- Well, certain Electro-Magnetic Fields are genotoxic and neurotoxic !!
When Technology threatens YOUR HEALTH and WELL-BEING, it should not be implemented, or only with utmost caution, after seeing long-time tests & effects, and not like the Cellphone Technology was implemented all round the globe.
We urgently need MORE GREEN TECHNOLOGY, which works FREE of such RADIATION !!!
It is NOT FAIR and ETHICAL to even THINK of installing technology, in South Africa (or anywhere else), that is not safe and could be causing various SERIOUS HEALTH ISSUES overseas and is already being REMOVED there again - after several Court Cases have been won against the Power Companies !!
We are already having more than enough HEALTH IMPLICATIONS with problems from Cellphones and Wireless-LAN technologies, as is.
- Who signs liable for DAMAGES to your HEALTH ???
— — — Rather be CAREFUL than sorry !! — — —
A global "Smart Grid" program is being implemented which is blasting homes and businesses with more electromagnetic radiation than human beings have ever been subject to in human history. It is utterly preposterous to assume this will not lead to major human epidemics.
Health Experts caution about 'Smart' Meters
More than 50 scientists and medical professionals from 20 countries call for precaution regarding deployment of wireless 'Smart' Meters.
Read more about it - PRLog (Press Release) - 2012-09-19
Also see NetMetering for more information about that.
► The Real Story about 'SMART' Meters ◄ (Video Play List)
► Brian Thiesen: Technical Facts and Political Agenda of 'Smart' Meters ◄
Table of Contents
► ► ► 'Smart' Meters in South Africa ◄ ◄ ◄
South Africa is heading for 'Smart' Meters ('Smart'-Grid Migration)
- 'Smart' Meter - Article References — Engineering News
- Big Brother is watching your Electricity Consumption online and 24/365 !!
- "Smart" Meter Scandal in Pretoria, South Africa
Is the GOVERNMENT introducing Electronic Microwave Warfare into YOUR HOME ??? — Control right into your OWN HOME?
- http://emfsafetynetwork.org/Wonder what happened to PG&E’s analogue meters? What is happening to our ANALOGUE Electricity Meters
- http:www-refusesmartmeters-com — refusesmartmeters.com
- What is the UN Agenda 21 ???** ◄◄◄
- Smart metering being rolled out in SA — More like "Forced down your THROAT !!
HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID/ and install similar //Smart Meter Technology which has already caused severe ILLNESSES at other places overseas and needed to be removed?
Petitions against Smart Meter Rollout:
How do they work:
Smart Meters are supposed to replace ordinary meters for electricity, water, gas and other items to be measured regularly.
They are working over the existing power line, transmitting their corresponding reading by superimposing (coded) high frequency electrical impulses onto the power line transferring it to a logging station on the supplier's side.
— The workings if this is very similar to Ethernet over Power Line also called 'Homeplug Powerline' (50 - 200 Mbps), this is also something we would not recommend.
— Then there are also the WIRELESS Versions transmitting everything via a WIRELESS NETWORK (RF), some meters transmit there readings every 15 minutes!!
Problems caused by these 'Smart Meters':
By superimposing a high frequency (HF) signal to reach the supply organisation (like the City Council) one would not only need quite a high signal level, but the strange thing is the transferred signal cannot really be directed into a specific direction - directly to the service provider collecting these readings, so it will also reach the internal wiring of your whole house and that of all your neighbours in the area, too. Likewise if your neighbours' readings are transferred these will also reach your home's internal wiring.
So far not so bad, but over the time these 'Smart Meters' have now been implemented numerous people had serious HEALTH PROBLEMS, due to these superimposed HF frequencies and the radiation it causes. Even various doctors have made their voices heard as their patients health is greatly affected - with all kinds of problems, commonly known (and still unknown) which are linked to Electro Smog1 and instructed people to return their 'Smart Meters' and have them replaced with the old analogue ones again.
However this procedure is not as easy, mostly resulting in a court case with the suppliers. So, please be careful and don't install such a 'Smart Meter' from the start and make sure that your neighbour does not install one either, as this will also interfere with your health - and will only be a matter of time to see and feel the actual problems.
Please sign up and make use of our FORUM, to discuss these problems, or directly join the EHS Forum, or on Facebook, and exchange information with people who are already experiencing these problems and those who have effectively gotten rid of such devices.
— Please don't be ignorant, after all its YOUR HEALTH that is on the line here.
What do other researchers say?
- Radiofrequency Radiation: The Invisible Hazards of “Smart” Meters — by Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri
Get your 'Smart' Meter ACTION PACK !!!
►►► Lawsuit against Meter Sickness - Are You In? ◄◄◄
Internet References:
- Smart Meter — Wikipedia
- Smart Grid — Wikipedia
- ►►►Health Experts caution about 'Smart' Meters◄◄◄
More than 50 scientists and medical professionals from 20 countries call for precaution regarding deployment of wireless 'Smart' Meters. - PRLog (Press Release) - 2012-09-19
- Smart Meters Causing Strokes? — 2013-03-26 - Buergerwelle.de
- How Smart Meters Affect Your Body — 2013-03-17 - Buergerwelle.de
- National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy calls smart meters a hoax — 2012-11
- Smart Meters, Dumb Utilities — Sierra Daily (2012-05-11)
- Electronics on the Fritz? Could be Smart Meters — The new meters have been interfering with customers' household devices, CMP says. (2011-11-19)
- Smart Meter Health Risk — Buergerwelle.de
- Transmitting smart meters are a public health threat
- StopSmartMeters.org
- SafeSmartMeters - Yes, there are SAFE options, too !!
- Dr. Karl Maret — ElectroMagneticHealth.org
- Health Concerns grow: Consumers are getting sick from wireless "Smart-meters"
- Understanding PG&E Smart Meter Opt-Out fees
- Wireless Devices - Potential CANCER Risk says World Health Organization
- News for Smart Meter Risk: Health concerns justify moratorium on smart meters Guest viewpoint — By Kathy Ging (Appeared in print: Monday, March 5, 2012, page A7)
- New York Times & Greenwire: “Health Concerns Over 'Smart' Electric Meters Gain Traction in Calif.,” January 10, 2011
- KCR-TV Channel 3, Sacramento: Some SmartMeter Customers Say Devices Make Them Sick: Thousands Of Complaints Roll Into Utilities Commission, Updated November 5, 2010
- San Francisco Business Times: “Smart meter detractors question health risks,” September 2, 2010
- Smart metering risk services — 'A revolutionary network' - Deloitte UK (August 2011)
Internet Searches:
Internet Cross-Reference Searches: (►Illnesses◄)
Deborah Tavares Interview : Agenda 21 - Global Grid 'SMART'(?) Meters (2011-08-17)
Deborah Tavares Interview : Agenda 21 - Global Grid SMART (?) Meters — 2011-08-17
Uploaded on 22 Dec 2011, by ResistNWOrder
Deborah Tavares Interview on Consciencia Radio : Talking about the deception of so-called SMART(?) meters and push for a Global Energy Grid [Global Governance—-Technocracy] 8.17.2011
http://refusesmartmeters.com — 2011-08-17
►►► Smart Meter Lawsuits ◄◄◄
Smart Meter Lawsuits — 2014-08-20
Better would be to get OFF the Grid altogether, using …
►►► The QEG (Quantum Energy Generator) is another excellent Renewable/Free Energy Option !! ◄◄◄
Smart Meters & EMR - The Health Crisis Of Our Time — Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
Direct LINK: Smart Meters & EMR - The Health Crisis Of Our Time — Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
Published on 29 Sep 2012, by KlinghardtAcademy
The Real Story_Smart Meters-Part-1
The Real Story_Smart Meters-Part-1
Published on 26 Mar 2012, by KeepEmStraight
Farren Lander M.A. Presents: the real truth about the health hazards of Smart Meters which they forgot to tell you.
Part-1 of a 90 minute presentation.
Become informed, not brainwashed !
Please visit:For updates and things you can do to assist in spreading the word & protecting both your & your children's health. Young people are the most in danger from practically all wireless devices. Great message in a musical composition, written specifically for the KeepEmStraight Channel. Watch section starting at 52:52 to hear this tune in context with the subject.
The Dark Side of 'Smart' Meters
The Dark Side of 'Smart' Meters
Uploaded on 1 Nov 2010, by eon3
In this invitational presentation to the San Francisco Tesla Society consulting engineer Rob States explains how PG&E's so-called 'smart' meters work and why they endanger health and privacy. He asks the obvious question, "Why would you trust the company that brought you Prop. 16?"
For more info:
The Truth About Smart' Meters
The Truth about 'Smart' Meters
Uploaded by CTVsantacruz on 14 Oct 2010
The city councils of Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley, Capitola and Watsonville, and the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors have called for a moratorium on the installation of PG&E "SmartMeters". Why is PG&E ignoring these explicit demands and going ahead with the 2+ billion dollar "roll out"? The SmartMeter system collects electric and gas usage from homes and transmits the data via pulsed microwave to a wireless network (=no meter readers!). FIND OUT if these microwave meters are the future for GREEN energy or DANGEROUS and INACCURATE and reveal private details of daily life - when people wake up, come home, take a hot bath and go on vacation.
Uploaded by STUPIDSMARTMETER on 14 Nov 2011
Uploaded by STUPIDSMARTMETER on 14 Nov 2011
Uploaded by STUPIDSMARTMETER on 14 Nov 2011
Smart Meters CAN BE HACKED !!
Uploaded by Rothschildism on 23 Oct 2011
Smart Meter Signal Cycle
Uploaded by meindaworld on 9 Oct 2011
no description available
How to Make Sure Smart Meters Don't Hurt You by HelioPower
How to Make Sure Smart Meters Don't Hurt You by HelioPower
Uploaded by HelioPowerCo on 15 Sep 2011
Smart Meters can either work for you—or against you. Tens of millions of smart meters are being installed globally. In California alone 13 million homeowners will have a smart meter by the end of 2012. It will monitor your energy use, tying you into a smart grid world.
If you have a monthly electric bill of $100 or more you need to know about smart meters, and how to make sure they don't hurt you. Specifically, how they can negatively impact your bank account, your lifestyle and your privacy.
You have the opportunity to make the "smart meter" reality help you.
With solar, you can make the smart meter work for you—-instead of against you. The smart meter can provide you with energy information. By adding solar, you can turn this information to your benefit. You can save energy and money. You can ensure your family's privacy and security.
Come to the Smart Meters and Solar neighborhood meetup in your town to get all your questions answered, check out your energy options and see how much money you can truly save.
Featuring Scott Gordon of HelioPower. More information at www.HelioPower.com/SmartMetersandSolar
How the Internet can Green the Electrical Grid
How the Internet can Green the Electrical Grid
Uploaded by GoogleTechTalks on 16 Apr 2010
Google Tech Talk
April 13, 2010ABSTRACT
Presented by S. Keshav.
Several powerful forces are gathering to make fundamental and irrevocable changes to the century-old grid. The next-generation grid, often called the ‘smart grid,’ will feature distributed energy production, vastly more storage, tens of millions of stochastic renewable-energy sources, and the use of communication technologies both to allow precise matching of supply to demand and to incentivize appropriate consumer behaviour. These changes will have the effect of reducing energy waste and reducing the carbon footprint of the grid, making it ‘smarter’ and ‘greener.’
In this talk, I will demonstrate that the concepts and techniques pioneered by the Internet, the fruit of four decades of research in this area, are directly applicable to the design of a smart, green grid. This is because both the Internet and the electrical grid are designed to meet fundamental needs, for information and for energy, respectively, by connecting geographically dispersed suppliers with geographically dispersed consumers. Keeping this and other similarities (and fundamental differences, as well) in mind, I propose several specific areas where Internet concepts and technologies can contribute to the development of a smart, green grid. I hope that our work will initiate a dialogue between these two communities.
(joint work with Catherine Rosenberg, University of Waterloo)
Project site: http://blizzard.cs.uwaterloo.ca/iss4e/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
S. Keshav is a Professor and Canada Research Chair in Tetherless Computing at the School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada and the Editor of ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. Earlier in his career he was a researcher at Bell Labs and an Associate Professor at Cornell. He is the author of a widely used graduate textbook on computer networking. He has been awarded the Director's Gold Medal at IIT Delhi, the Sakrison Prize at UC Berkeley, the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, a Best Student Paper award at ACM SIGCOMM, a Best Paper award at ACM MOBICOM, and two Test-of-Time awards from ACM SIGCOMM. He is a co-founder of three startups: Ensim Corporation, GreenBorder Technologies, and Astilbe Networks. His current interests are in the use of tetherless computing for rural development, and for gaining efficiency in energy generation, transmission, and consumption. Keshav received a B.Tech from the Indian Institute of Delhi in 1986 and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1991, both in Computer Science.
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