RFID Chips

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Using Wi-Fi Technology is Thalidomide in the making - a real Genocide and Scientific Fraud !!

RFID stands for Radio Frequency IDentification

RFID Chips are also part of a Wireless System so one would also have to be careful of this !

RFID Chips built in or carried will interact with their environment where they will pick up radio waves which are enough to power them up and have them interact transmitting a specific set code and/or information.
This can be used on various ways, like tracking people or goods and articles in a shop for stock control and curbing theft.
If your Credit Card, ID Book, ID Card or Passport has a RFID Chip, please make sure you get yourself an Aluminium Wallet, or at least use aluminium foil, to cover it, which will make it safer to carry it around without sensors reading the information on it and being able to track you.



Internet References:

Internet Cross-References:

On the Radio

The eToll System in South Africa is just another Type of RFID Technology !!

People have already called in to various radio Shows telling about prickling sensations on they body while driving through under gantries !!!

More Information on this is available on the Internet, just watch the videos below.


What is RFID & How RFID works

What is RFID & How RFID works

Uploaded by mrrfid on 4 Jan 2012

What is RFID - Radio Frequency Identification and How does RFID work? Our engineers show you in this 5 minute video about RFID from http://RFID.net

RFID presentation

RFID presentation

Uploaded by ishanthegr8 on 19 Sep 2009

slide show on RFID and its Applications in Laptop Tracking

RFID UHF Antennas - Demonstration

RFID UHF Antennas - Demonstration

Uploaded by tagsense2009 on 14 Feb 2011

This video provides a short introduction to UHF RFID antennas and provides a few examples. The small TagSense Nano-UHF reader module is used for demonstration.

RFID Detector

RFID Detector

Uploaded by phpprogrammierer on 22 Feb 2008

A coil connected to a atmel microcontroller based frequency counter detects the carrier frequency of RFID systems.

Stealing Credit Card data through RFID readers

Stealing Credit Card data through RFID readers

Uploaded by bankorandotcom on 9 Dec 2010

Make no mistake. This is a problem and much bigger than what this report shows. Identity theft will be very easy using these methods combined with some clever use of the internet. Call your credit card company and insist they send you a card with no RFID card.

RFID and the risks it poses to consumers and their privacy

RFID and the risks it poses to consumers and their privacy

Uploaded by UpNorthandOutdoors on 1 Jun 2011

Here is my video presentation regarding RFID technology and the risks in using it regarding personal health and privacy.

The Perpetrators, RFID, 24-7 Harassments and Mind-Control

The Perpetrators, RFID, 24-7 Harassments and Mind-Control

Published on 21 May 2012 by Sigi2998

Stalking Behaviour

Stalkers can be young or old, male or female, professional or unemployed. But most are men who are isolated, socially inept, and often mentally ill. The crime can be motivated by different types of psychopathology, including psychosis and severe personality disorders, and stalkers pursue their victims for a variety of reasons, but all tend to have a narcissistic sense of entitlement to the victim.

Australian stalking expert, Dr. Paul Mullen, found from his study of 145 stalkers, reported in the August 1999 American Journal of Psychiatry, that half the stalkers never had a long-term relationship, and a third were separated or divorced. To facilitate diagnosis and treatment, he classified stalkers into the following five categories.

Types of Stalkers

The Rejected Suitor

Sometimes a partner rejected by their spouse or lover may vacillate between overtures of reconciliation and revenge. They have a narcissistic sense of entitlement and belief this is the only relationship they are going to have. More than 80% of rejected stalkers in Mullen's study had personality disorders. Therapeutic treatment of the rejected stalker involves helping him or her come to terms with the end of the relationship.

The Intimacy Seeker

The intimacy-seeking stalker intends to establish a relationship with his "true love" regardless of her wishes. More than half of the intimacy seekers Mullen evaluated were delusional, believing that their love was reciprocated, and nearly a third had a personality disorder and a delusion that their quest would be ultimately successful. Legal actions do not work well with intimacy seekers, who may justify their behavior with the belief they must pay a price for true love. The court may order treatment, which should focus on treating their delusions or other mental disorders.

Popular topics

Stalking Behaviour, Crime & Law
Obsessive Personality of a Stalker
Profiling the Stalker
The Incompetent Suitor

This type is typically a man who had been rebuffed after asking a woman for a date. He's often socially inept, and when rejected, begins to stalk with the hope that his persistent behavior will change the woman's mind. The incompetent suitors can be responsive to judicial sanctions but are also likely to relapse.

The Resentful Stalker

These offenders express anger in response to a perception that they have been humiliated or treated unfairly by the object of their obsession. They thrive on having a sense of power and control over the victim, and are hard to treat because they often see themselves as the victim.

The Predatory Stalker

The six predatory stalkers in Mullen's study admitted to preparing to sexually attack a random victim. This type derives pleasure from gathering information about the target and fantasizing about the assault. They often have prior convictions as sexual deviants.

Why Classify Stalkers?

These five categories are, by no means, agreed on by all experts on obsession and stalking. Those engaging in stalking behaviours can have a variety on backgrounds, motivations and mental illnesses. Still, attempts at some type of classification can be useful. A better understanding of different types of stalking behaviour may help victims better protect themselves, assist law enforcement in profiling and capturing stalkers and also aid mental health and legal systems in assessing the risk of recidivism and likelihood of rehabilitation.

Stalking Danger

Too often victims do not fully appreciate the true danger of being stalked, and this can be a fatal mistake. If you feel uncomfortable with the repeated advances, gifts or communications of an "admirer," trust your instincts, and err on the side of caution.

This article is a summary of merely a fraction of the information available on stalking. Become familiar with federal and state stalking laws, stalking statistics, and the many resources available to assist and protect stalking victims, such as the National Center for Victims of Crime (800) 394-2255 and the Stalking Resource Center.

RFID Killer

RFID Killer

Uploaded by petrashol on 31 Mar 2009

Jak zničit RFID transpondér 125 kHz elektromagnetickým impulzem.
How to destroy RFID 125kHz transponder electromagnetic pulse. — translated !

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