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Online Content Censorship in South Africa looms (2014-12-07)
The Film and Publications Board has selectively released a contentious draft policy for original content distributed online in South Africa
Source: Mail & Guardian (2014-11-27) and Lisa Steyn (2014-12-07)
Copyright © 2014, All rights reserved
All material © Mail & Guardian Online. Material may not be published or reproduced in any form without prior written permission.
Our Response:
By implementing THIS CENSORSHIP - as intended - the Films and Publications Board is discriminating against the so called Constitution of South Africa and against the FREEDOM OF SPEECH, which is a Human Rights Violation.
Before they do any of this, let them RATHER DO THEIR WORK and condemn PUBLISHERS and their PUBLICATIONS that are twisting and turning research results and LYING about the REAL FACTUAL EVIDENCES.
We have handed in a documents, stating LIES and HEALTH FRAUD - by hand delivery to your Head Office in Pretoria - already in June/July 2014 and not even received a single answer!
For my part a COVER-UP of the REAL FACTUAL TRUTH, is just as bad as committing the CRIME itself, as it makes you an accomplice !
- How long does one actually have to wait for any action from Films and Publications Board to take effects and for any feedback whatsoever ?
Response posted on the Facebook page of:
MyBroadband (2014-12-07, 23:38)
Film and Publications Board (2014-12-07, 23:54) — under: "POSTS TO PAGE"
Before the Film and Publications Board (#FPB) - Facebook, Twitter) open their mouth on any such stances, they should first look in their own rows for SERIOUS COVER-UP of the TRUTH and thus supporting LYING in publications, brought to their attention many moons ago and yet again in DOCUMENT FORM in June/July - handed in PERSONALLY at their Head Office !!!
This in my eyes is nothing but a Misrepresentation of the Truth - and thus #FRAUD, which is a criminal offence !!
Their STANCE is #UNCONSTITUTIONAL and a DIRECT ATTACK on our Human Rights as well as FREEDOM OF SPEECH and makes a total mockery of our (so called) #Constitution !!
- I/we will not be intimidated to SPEAK THE REAL TRUTH - by ANYONE - not even the President himself/herself !!
It is NOTHING NEW, that our so called CONSTITUTION is trampled with feet and raped daily - even by government and politicians !
Here is the Response on our website: