We stand for: PREVENTION is the best CURE !!!
However, we can also HELP YOU with these ILLNESSES and related PROBLEMS !!!
Remember: Your Doctor, is not the 'Master of your Health' - you are,
and entitled to a 2nd and 3rd Opinion … and more if you need!It's YOUR LEGAL RIGHT !!!
Breaking NEWS: ►►► Press Release for our 21st Anniversary ◄◄◄
- 60 Years of Electromagnetic Radiation Research - summed up in only 90 minutes
- HARD EVIDENCE of a much higher radiation with 4G/LTE compared to 3G !! (2013-01-25) — Also see: 4G/LTE
- ►Open Letters◄ | ►►►Uncovering Sarie's 2013-03 "ADHD" Lies - misleading the public !!◄◄◄
Using Wi-Fi Technology is Thalidomide in the making - a real Genocide and Scientific Fraud !!
Lees hierdie artikel in Afrikaans
This page was created in response to the following article on ADHD, published in the March 2013 issue of Sarie (Magazine) which is misleading the pubic about certain important aspects & safety issues … - some of which are 180° out, contradicting current Research Findings - thus being TOTAL LIES !!
This is a warning to the public and all medics as well as people who have any connection to ADD/ADHD and related illnesses.
Table of Contents
Our first reaction about the article "Does your child (or you) have ADHD?", published in Sarie 2013-03 (p.157 ~168)
In AFRIKAANS, as published on the Facebook page of Sarie (tydskrif) (2013-03-01, 16:27)
██████████████"Het jou kind (of jy) ADHD?" - 10 bladsys - in diepte
(Sarie 2013-03, bl.157)Die persoon wat hierdie artikel nagevors het, is glad nie ingelig van wat aan gaan op die mediese toneel nie en waarvan af ADD/ADHD eintlik afkomstig is - of is betaal deur die farmaseutiese industrie ! (Of albei !!)
Daar is 'n hele aantal van half-waarhede en selfs onwaarhede en ►blatante leuens◄ !Belangrike FEITE is heeltemal verswyg - selfs heeltemal (180°) verdraai!
- Dit is beslis nie die NUUTSTE FEITE nie en glad nie OP DATUM NIE !!!Daar is al heeltemal genoeg verwarrings op mediese gebied en hierdie artikel soos hy daar staan voeg nog net meer by!
- Doen asb. julle huiswerk oor !!!Beste groete
Peter Heindl
Instituut vir Geopatologie SA
ten.xmg|as-GFI#ten.xmg|as-GFIInteressante inligting om julle 'n bietjie OP DATUM te kry:
►►► http://geoathology-za.wikidot.com/ADHD ◄◄◄
Korreksie van URL:
- Hier is die REGTE skakel (URL):
http://geopathology-za.wikidot.com/ADHD (Engels)
binnekort ook op:
http://geopatologie-za.wikidot.com/Siektes:ADHD (Afrikaans)
Sien ook:
ADHD (AGHS) - Ander: English (Engels), Deutsch (Duits)
The ENGLISH Translation of our stand against such misrepresentations and even BLATANT LIES !!
The ENGLISH Variation of our COMPLAINT, published on the Facebook page of Sarie (tydskrif) (2013-03-01, 16:27)
█████████████████"Does you child (or you) have ADHD?" - 10 pages - in depth
(Sarie 2013-03, p.157~168)The person who has researched this article, does not have the foggiest clue of what is actually going on in the medical field and/or where ADD/ADHD actually originates - or is getting paid by the pharmaceutical industry ! (or both !!)
There is a whole string of HALF TRUTHS and even UNTRUTHS and ►BLATANT LIES◄ !Important FACTS are totally ignored - even totally (180°) distorted!
- This are for sure NOT THE LATEST FACTS and very far from being UP-TO-DATE !!!There is already more than enough CONFUSION in the medical field and this article as it stands, just adds even more to it!
- Please go and do your homework, before publishing such NONSENSE !!!Kind regards
Peter Heindl
Institute for Geopathology SA
ten.xmg|as-GFI#ten.xmg|as-GFIInteresting information to get you a little UP-TO-DATE:
►►► http://geopathology-za.wikidot.com/ADHD ◄◄◄
later also in AFRIKAANS, at:
http://geopatologie-za.wikidot.com/Siektes:ADHD (Afrikaans)
Please also Cross-Reference with:
- ADD/ADHD - Other: Afrikaans, German (Deutsch)
►►► Keep up to date with the latest developments …
● Follow the goings directly on Sarie's Facebook page
● ENGLISH - via Google Translation …
● AFRIKAANS (Original) …
►Here is the TEXT of the Original Communication, just in case it will get deleted (on Facebook)◄ :
Answer from SARIEtydskrif (on Facebook, 2013-03-05, 10:52):
SARIE Tydskrif:
Peter Heindl Lydia van der Merwe is 'n bekroonde en senior gesondheidredakteur in SA. Sy het by die top ADHD-kenners in die land aangeklop om hierdie in-diepte artikel na te vors. Haar terugvoer: "Daar is geen wetenskaplike navorsing wat elektro-magnetiese uitstralings koppel aan ADHD nie."
5 March 2013 at 10:52
Our Reply (on Facebook, 2013-03-06, 15:11):
Ag nee, glad nie ….
Skaam julle !
… vra asb. slegs vir Dr. Barrie Trower, Dr. Madga Havas, Dr. Leonard Coldwell, en ander !Hierdie dinge word ONGELUKKIG en DOELBEWUS altyd WEGGESTEEK en verdraai - vanaf die (Miljard sware) INDUSTRIE, wat daaragter staan - net soos die selfone wat KANKER veroorsaak en die KANKER wat al vanaf die 1920's genees kan word en selfs doeltreffend VOORKOM WORD !
- Baie "TOP KENNERS" is vasgevang en geboei deur die MEDIESE/CHEMIESE INDUSTRIE !Moet asb. nie met verskonings kom nie - ek weet wat op hierdie gebied gespeel word. Die regerings is saam in die bootjie, want hulle kry die belastings-gelde daarvan - en glad nie min nie!!
Hulle is almal skuldig aan MEDIESE BEDROG aan die mensdom!Net vir interessantheid:
HIV/VIGS kan ook al baie jare lank genees word, maar die INDUSTRIE daar agter spandeer baie geld om al daardie inligting te laat onderdruk.
Kyk ook maar net watter flaters die FDA maak - dit is alles gekontroleer deur die MAFIA! Die hoof bok van Monsanto is nou die hoof tuinier by die FDA! Dit is dus geen wonder wat hulle tans aanvang nie!En kan vir weke praat oor hierdie dinge …. omdat ek in die laaste 20 JAAR al te veel van hierdie goed deurgemaak het veral met my pasiënte, wat geen genesing by hulle dokters kon gekry het nie!
As ek kyk na die mediese stelsel in hierdie land moet ek sê: "Ek kan nie eers so veel eet as wat ek wil opgooi nie!"
Die Departement van Gesondheid het ook net flou verskonings ….
- dan sal hulle maar moet aanvoeter …. met hulle ONDERDRUKKING van SIMPTOME, pleks hulle 'n bietjie dieper sal grou en by die eintlike (ONDERLIGGENDE OORSAKE) gaan uitkom!Beste groete
6 March 2013 at 15:11
What on Earth has gone WRONG with that Sarie Research on ADHD ??
After all YOU/Huisgenoot already had an article on ADHD published on 26 June 2012, which already included the correct FACTS of what is actually going on!
- Shame on you, Sarie, if you cannot even look at how others are doing it, well and correct! - It does not even need 10 pages "in depth" either, when you make a mess of it, putting people under FALSE PRETENCES and FALSE SAFETY !!
2013-06-03 Letter to Sarie (by eMail//):
TO: Sarie - Gesondheidsredaksie - Lydia van der Merwe
CC: Sarie - Redaksie (Michelle van Breda); Sarie - Uitvoerende Hoof - Louna Lohann
To whom it may concern
Since you are showing NO INTEREST in this matter whatsoever,
even after reminding you numerous times already since the 5th of March 2013, via Facebook and Twitter.This is the FINAL WARNING !
(You have 14 days as from TODAY)
… to straighten out your misrepresentation and tell the people the TRUTH.- After all YOU/Husgenoot got it right in their 26 June 2012 isssue !!
They did not even need 10 pages "in-depth" either !Kind regards / Beste groete / Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Peter Heindl
… then follows the rest of the letter as per our first reaction (see above).
Other Communication via Facebook:
Twitter Searches (@SarieTydskrif, ADHD, …): ◄
- @SarieTydskrif & ADHD — Twitter Search ◄
- ADHD & EMF — Twitter Search
- ADHD & Electromagnetic Radiation — Twitter Search
- ADHD & Electromagnetic Pollution — Twitter Search
- ADHD & eSmog — Twitter Search
- ADHD & EHS — Twitter Search
- ADHD & Fluoride — Twitter Search
- ADHD & Prozac — Twitter Search
- ADHD & Ritalin — Twitter Search
- ADHD, EMF & Fluoride — Twitter Search
- ADHD, EMF & Prozac — Twitter Search
- ADHD, EMF & Ritalin — Twitter Search
Sarie you are LYING !!
"Wireless Devices can SAFELY be used by ADD/ADHD children "?
"Electromagnetic Pollution and Radiation has NO EFFECT on ADD/ADHD children "?
We tend to differ !
Internet Searches "ADHD linked to Wi-Fi":
- ADHD linked to Wi-Fi - Ecosia Search
- ADHD linked to Wi-Fi - Google Search
- ADHD linked to Wi-Fi - Yahoo Search
- ADHD linked to Wi-Fi - Bing Search
Research Information Search for "ADHD & Wi-Fi":
- Dr. Barrie Trower
- Prof. Magda Havas
- Prof. Girish Kumar
- Dr. Leonard Coldwell
- Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
- Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy
- Dr. Nora Volkov
- Dr. Lennart Hardell
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and the respective authors. All right reserved.We like what we do. We are leading South Africa since 1993. We're looking forward to doing it for you, too.