IFG-sa PRESS RELEASE, for 1 July 2011
Your Health could be at stake !!
Please read the following text attentively.
It could prevent serious illnesses (and patient's suffering over years) and improve your life quality - even extend your life time.
As leaders in this field for the past 18 years we at the Institute for Geopathology SA have an unequalled track record for testing, eliminating and screening of problem zones in homes, offices and work places.
We THANK all our current and former patients and customers as well as the medics for their support, who have all trusted our services and reaped the benefits.
Hopefully we will be able to welcome even more interested parties (patients and medics alike) who would like embrace the Future of Health Technology with us.
Most of the serious and especially chronic illnesses as well as deteriorating illnesses are linked to an underlying problem, which may just as well be the actual cause of your specific problem(s) or condition(s). This is often resulting in medication and treatment/therapy resistance.
This is the exact point where our current medical system is failing us all, as it mostly does not look beyond your body.
Is the battle lost, or the war?
So, let's unite and attack the actual problems together. It is of utmost importance, that we are looking at our immediate environment and follow strict guidelines to omit radiation - especially in the years to come, as even more wireless gadgets are introduced into the market which are continuously bombarding us with radiation. This is a direct onslaught on your cells and it is not only draining the energy, but also weakening your immune system, as well as affecting the nervous system.
The elimination of such (underlying) problems is of vital importance for a well functioning body.
For anyone that does not believe:
We will work together with any South African University Clinic or Hospital to repeat the Tests as they had been conducted overseas, which will show up very similar results!
Please do yourself a favour and look up more detailed information on our website and contact us if you experience problems and illnesses listed there for advice:
- Website: http://geopathology.website.org
- Wikisite: http://geopathology-za.does.it
Please note our SPECIAL OFFER for the whole of the month JULY 2011 for all House Investigations, to be free of charge, (thus a saving to the value of R 800 for a 3 bedroomed house) should you need and have a screening mat installed in your bed.