Europe and the USA are normally the fore runners with the goodies and also the problems, before it hits South African shores. Now what about THIS?
More than a third of EU population suffer mental health problems
- Is South Africa ready for something like this ???
Combat stress: 44 calls every week to Government helpline to discuss mental health problems
A helpline set up to help veterans deal with mental health issues caused by fighting on the front-line is receiving 44 inquiries from veterans and servicemen every week.
More things to look at:
- Stress becomes biggest cause of long-term sickness
- NHS patients offered private treatment by GPs
- Fair skinned people 'need vitamin D supplements'
UCT professor says anxiety and depression is the most common mental health disorders experienced by South Africans. Prof. Brian Robertson says 1on 10 women and 1 in 20 men will have such episode in their life.
South Africa:
- National Health Insurance
- Minister Motsoaledi Releases NHI Green Paper - (Thu, 2011-08-11)