We stand for: PREVENTION is the best CURE !!!
However, we can also HELP YOU with these ILLNESSES and related PROBLEMS !!!
Remember: Your Doctor, is not the 'Master of your Health' - you are,
and entitled to a 2nd and 3rd Opinion … and more if you need!It's YOUR LEGAL RIGHT !!!

Breaking NEWS: ►►► Press Release for our 21st Anniversary ◄◄◄
- 60 Years of Electromagnetic Radiation Research - summed up in only 90 minutes
- HARD EVIDENCE of a much higher radiation with 4G/LTE compared to 3G !! (2013-01-25) — Also see: 4G/LTE
- ►Open Letters◄ | ►►►Uncovering Sarie's 2013-03 "ADHD" Lies - misleading the public !!◄◄◄
Using Wi-Fi Technology is Thalidomide in the making - a real Genocide and Scientific Fraud !!
In short:
Neurotoxicity is the noun for the neurotoxin being neurotoxic.
When something is neurotoxic it is toxic (or dangerous) for the nerves (inclusive of the nervous system and the brain).
Neurotoxicity occurs when the exposure to natural or artificial toxic substances, which are called neurotoxins, alters the normal activity of the nervous system in such a way as to cause damage to nervous tissue. This can eventually disrupt or even kill neurons, key cells that transmit and process signals in the brain and other parts of the Nervous System. Neurotoxicity can result from exposure to substances used in chemotherapy, Electromagnetic Radiation and radiation treatment, Water Fluoridation, drug therapies, certain drug abuse and organ transplants, as well as exposure to heavy metals, certain foods and food additives especially GMO, pesticides, industrial and/or cleaning solvents, cosmetics, and some naturally occurring substances. Symptoms may appear immediately after exposure or be delayed. They may include limb weakness or numbness, loss of memory, vision, and/or intellect, uncontrollable obsessive and/or compulsive behaviours, delusions, headache, cognitive and behavioural problems and sexual dysfunction. Individuals with certain disorders may be especially vulnerable to neurotoxins.
The name implies the role of a neurotoxin although the term 'neurotoxic' may be used more loosely to describe states that are known to cause physical brain damage but where no obvious neurotoxin has been identified.
The term neurotoxic is used to describe a substance, condition or state that damages the nervous system and/or brain, usually by killing neurons. The term is generally used to describe a condition or substance that has been shown to result in observable physical damage
Internet References:
- Neurotoxicity (Wikipedia)
- Neurotoxicity (The Free Dictionary)
Internet Searches:
Cross References:
- Electro Hyper-Sensitivity
- ►Electromagnetic RADIATION is genotoxic !◄
- ►Electromagnetic RADIATION is neurotoxic !◄
- ►►►Dirty Electricity◄◄◄
- ►Are we all just Guinea Pigs?◄
- Wireless Communication
- Is Mobile biting our butt?
- The Wireless Onslaught
- ►►►Cellphones & Cancer
- ►SAR Values◄ — What is the RADIATION Level of your Cellphone ?
- ►►►Cell Towers & Cancer
- Laptop make you SICK?
- ►►►Wireless LAN / Wi-Fi
- Baby Monitors
- Bluetooth
- ►►►DECT Phones
- TETRA Phones
- 'Smart' Meters
- RFID Chips
- EMFs and Mind Control
Internet Cross-References:
We are all EMR Guinea Pigs !!!
We are all EMR Guinea Pigs !!!
Published on 2 Apr 2012 by minivanjack
A global "Smart Grid" program is being implemented which is blasting homes and businesses with more electromagnetic radiation than human beings have ever been subject to in human history. It is utterly preposterous to assume this will not lead to major human epidemics.
We must now face the very serious problem that the institutions, government, corporations and foundations, that are supposed to be serving our interests are deliberately violating, exploiting, endangering and assaulting us.
This video exposes electromagnetic radiation (EMR) as a major danger and violation to all current and future generations.
Sponsored by FreedomTaker (d'o't'c'o'm)
Wireless Networks - Genetic Mutation (Barrie Trower)
Wireless Networks - Genetic Mutation — Barrie Trower, retired British military expert
Uploaded by jinithompson on 14 Jun 2010
Barrie Trower, retired British military expert on stealth weaponry and microwave radiation, outlines how wireless computer radiation can cause lasting genetic mutation in girls' ovaries. Lots more on Jini's blog:
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