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Remember: Your Doctor, is not the 'Master of your Health' - you are,
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Breaking NEWS: ►►► Press Release for our 21st Anniversary ◄◄◄
- 60 Years of Electromagnetic Radiation Research - summed up in only 90 minutes
- HARD EVIDENCE of a much higher radiation with 4G/LTE compared to 3G !! (2013-01-25) — Also see: 4G/LTE
- ►Open Letters◄ | ►►►Uncovering Sarie's 2013-03 "ADHD" Lies - misleading the public !!◄◄◄
Using Wi-Fi Technology is Thalidomide in the making - a real Genocide and Scientific Fraud !!
Table of Contents
An Eye Opener …
- Microwave Test – An Eye Opener — DNA Damage or what ?
- Electro Hyper-Sensitivity
- ►Electromagnetic RADIATION is genotoxic !◄
- ►Electromagnetic RADIATION is neurotoxic !◄
- ►►►Dirty Electricity◄◄◄
- ►Are we all just Guinea Pigs?◄
- Wireless Communication
- Is Mobile biting our butt?
- The Wireless Onslaught
- ►►►Cellphones & Cancer
- ►SAR Values◄ — What is the RADIATION Level of your Cellphone ?
- ►►►Cell Towers & Cancer
- Laptop make you SICK?
- ►►►Wireless LAN / Wi-Fi
- Baby Monitors
- Bluetooth
- ►►►DECT Phones
- TETRA Phones
- 'Smart' Meters
- RFID Chips
- EMFs and Mind Control
Internet References:
Internet Cross-References:
Internet Searches:
Table of Contents
Microwaves ruin EVERYTHING !!!
Your Cellphone [at 800/850/900/1800/1900/2100MHz] ('only') has 2W, but your Microwave Oven [at 2450MHz = 2.45GHz] has 500-900W.
Strangely (or should that be by selection or by choice !!) Wireless LAN / Wi-Fi, DECT Phones and Bluetooth use exactly the same Frequency Band [at 2450MHz = 2.45GHz] !!
Dr. Leonard Coldwell - Microwave Ovens Kill, Damage and Destroy Food!
Dr. Leonard Coldwell - Microwave Ovens Kill, Damage and Destroy Food!
Published on 9 Aug 2012, by: iHealthTube.com
Seeing where the Microwaves are in a Microwave Oven
Seeing where the Microwaves are in a Microwave Oven
Uploaded by zkossover on 11 Nov 2010
Microwaves are absorbed by wires creating current in the wires which can drive a neon lamp like this guy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Neon_lamp.jpg. I drilled a grid into a piece of plastic and slipped in the bulbs, leaving the wires to hang out like antennas. As the plate turns, the bulbs go into and out of places where the microwave energy is denser, illuminating the bulbs. No, it doesn't seem to hurt the microwave. You can find out more about how to make this by going to http://kossover.squarespace.com/journal/2010/11/12/seeing-where-the-microwave….
Edits: I do seem to suggest that microwaves are only absorbed* by things that conduct electricity. That's not true, of course. The changing electromagnetic field of the microwaves will oscillate anything that has a charge or is polar. I was trying to point out that microwaves can move electrons in wires. Even slightly salty water does seem to heat faster in my poorly controlled experiments, though.
"Absorbed" isn't quite the correct term, I know.Oh, and kids, don't try this at home without your parent's permission. Many things do not like going into a microwave and will catch fire or spark or both. Your parents will be mad, and the fire department will be annoyed as well.
Marc "Zeke" Kossover, physics and environmental science teacher, The Jewish Community High School of the Bay, San Francisco, California
Microwaves ruin EVERYTHING
Uploaded by moessouthwestgrill1 on 23 Jan 2012
Ever wonder what would happen if you put a watermelon in the microwave? Or a lightbulb? Or a champagne bottle? We slowed it down for you so you wouldn't miss a thing. Real explosions…just not in real time. And yep, it's true. Microwaves ruin EVERYTHING.
Microwave cooking destroys food and destroys YOU !
Microwave cooking destroys food and destroys YOU !
Uploaded by enerchiTV on 25 Aug 2011
Microwave cooking which has become very popular destroys food by actually changing its cellular structure, Andreas shares a simple experiment you can try for yourself and also speaks of its history and how and why it was invented and how it failed and was abandoned in Germany and Russia during World War II
Dangers of using microwave to cook or heat food!
Dangers of using microwave to cook or heat food!
Uploaded by CarolEnsminger on 1 Aug 2011
Dangers of using microwave.
How a microwave oven works
Uploaded by eSparesVideo on 12 Oct 2011
In this video Matt explains how a microwave oven works.
Two Kitchen killers - Teflon & Microwaves
Two Kitchen killers - Teflon & Microwaves
Uploaded by magnusmulliner on 26 Dec 2009
Please do your own research and find out if what I'm sharing with you makes sense.
Teflon pans have been sold in our Westerner society since 1961. Chemically Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), whose trade name is Teflon can cause all sorts of health problems including child birth defects.
Of course no one in this day and age (just look at our financial system for one example!) takes any ownership about producing either products sold as foods or 'essential' cooking items sold, which also compromise our health.
GET RID OF YOUR TEFLON and ALUMINIUM PANS (don't even think about using tin foil on your foods either!) Caste iron, stainless steal pans are better choices.
Get rid of your microwave and buy a Crock pot and or a steamer. Ask yourself a Q, what would my grandmothers mother be using to cook/heat her foods? Start there. Sending love
How to cook on & season a Stainless Steel Pan to create a Non-Stick Surface
How to cook on & season a Stainless Steel Pan to create a Non-Stick Surface
Published on 29 Mar 2012, by Halle Cottis
Learn how to cook on and season your stainless steel pain so you have a naturally occurring non stick pan.
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