We stand for: PREVENTION is the best CURE !!!
However, we can also HELP YOU with these ILLNESSES and related PROBLEMS !!!
Remember: Your Doctor, is not the 'Master of your Health' - you are,
and entitled to a 2nd and 3rd Opinion … and more if you need!It's YOUR LEGAL RIGHT !!!

Breaking NEWS: ►►► Press Release for our 21st Anniversary ◄◄◄
- 60 Years of Electromagnetic Radiation Research - summed up in only 90 minutes
- HARD EVIDENCE of a much higher radiation with 4G/LTE compared to 3G !! (2013-01-25) — Also see: 4G/LTE
- ►Open Letters◄ | ►►►Uncovering Sarie's 2013-03 "ADHD" Lies - misleading the public !!◄◄◄
Using Wi-Fi Technology is Thalidomide in the making - a real Genocide and Scientific Fraud !!
Emergency Links:
Missing Children
South Africa
Government Website - National Departments (Overview)
- Ministry of Health / Website
- Ministry of Environment / Website
- Ministry of Police / Website
- Ministry of Transport / Website
Electromagnetic Radiation Research Foundation of South Africa (EMRRFSA)
Environmental Forum
SANRAL (SA National Road Agency Ltd.)
Driving South Africa
National Recycling Forum (NRF)
e-Waste Association of South Africa (eWASA)
The Federal Office for Radiation Protection ('Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz') (English)
The Federal Office for Radiation Protection ('Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz') (German/deutsch)
Bürgerwelle Dachverband der Bürger und Initiativen zum Schutz vor Elektrosmog e.V. - Unsere Verantwortung für die Welt von Morgen. (German)
German Umbrella Association of citizens and initiatives to protect against electromagnetic (registered Association) - Our responsibility to the world of tomorrow. (English)
Welcome to one of the biggest information sources concerning mobile phones, mobile radiocommunications and electrosmog
FEB - The Swedish Association for the ElectroHyperSensitive
TCO (The Swedish Confederation for Professional Employees)
United Kingdom / England
Microwave News
EMF-L Guru REPORTS - now integrated into FEB.
EMFguru shows the dawn of the EMF-Guru discussion list. The contents was generated in the middle of the 90's when Roy Beavers alias EMF-Guru started his EMF discussion list. Today Roy Beavers has opened his own homepage which you may visit as well.
IN MEMORY OF BRIDLEWOOD - now integrated into FEB.
BRIDLEWOOD gives a view of a former Canadian site. Richard W. Woodley supplied for more than ten years information on Bridlewood Electromagnetic Fields, (EMFs) Information Service, Canada. This information Service closed on February 29, 2000. In memory of his work a mirror of his site was created.
EMRAA - Electromagnetic Radiation Alliance of Australia
New Zealand
Copyright © 1993 - 2023, by Institute for Geopathology SA
and the respective authors. All right reserved.We like what we do. We are leading South Africa since 1993. We're looking forward to doing it for you, too.