Table of Contents
Recommendations for National Department of Health (South Africa)
DoH Facebook page:
Please WAKE-UP !!!
Minister of Health and Minister of Environment !!!
- Please WAKE-UP, now !!!**
Electromagnetic Fields lead to Diabetic Disasters - and not only THAT !!!
Talking about certain PROBLEMS does not help much, unless you are ACTING on it.
- Right now there is not even any TALK about the actual PROBLEMS!
This only shows the HEALTH situation in RSA is in a REAL CRISIS !!!And while I have your attention,
let me just drop in another comment, remarked earlier: "There is no money for bare necessities on the HEALTH FRONT, and yet you are BURNING THE LIGHTS ALL NIGHT and ALL WEEKEND in your Head Office and burdening the Tax Payers with a DOUBLE IMPACT, not only ROBBING their Electricity, but their Money, too !!!"
- You should be ashamed of your actions !!!
3 August at 10:38
You can DELETE the (THIS) message, but NOT THE FACTS !!!
3 August at 10:39
Some more INFO on Cell Phones and HEALTH Effects !!
Pediatricians say Cell Phone Radiation Standards need another Look.
Concerns persist over the Health Effects of Radiation from Cell Phones, especially for Kids.
Now the nation's largest Pediatricians Group is asking the Government to review Emission Standards - if ever - can we expect the SA Health Department and the Department of Environmental to finally speak out ???
3 August at 10:42