Future Software (FREE)

We stand for: PREVENTION is the best CURE !!!

However, we can also HELP YOU with these ILLNESSES and related PROBLEMS !!!

Remember: Your Doctor, is not the 'Master of your Health' - you are,
and entitled to a 2nd and 3rd Opinion … and more if you need!



Breaking NEWS: ►►► Press Release for our 21st Anniversary ◄◄◄

Using Wi-Fi Technology is Thalidomide in the making - a real Genocide and Scientific Fraud !!

The following list of Programs are still UNDER DEVELOPMENT but are very interesting to observe in the meantime Please see if any Test Versions as well as Alpha and Beta Releases are already available and try them out.

FREE Software is not always bad, but it is free !!
… but please be careful and read the instructions anyway, before downloading, installing and using.

Operating Systems:

  • ReactOS® is a free, modern operating system based on the design of Windows® XP/2003.
    Written completely from scratch, it aims to follow the Windows-NT®

Social Networks:

Copyright © 1993 - 2023, by Institute for Geopathology SA
and the respective authors. All right reserved.

We like what we do. We are leading South Africa since 1993. We're looking forward to doing it for you, too.