We stand for: PREVENTION is the best CURE !!!
However, we can also HELP YOU with these ILLNESSES and related PROBLEMS !!!
Remember: Your Doctor, is not the 'Master of your Health' - you are,
and entitled to a 2nd and 3rd Opinion … and more if you need!It's YOUR LEGAL RIGHT !!!

Breaking NEWS: ►►► Press Release for our 21st Anniversary ◄◄◄
- 60 Years of Electromagnetic Radiation Research - summed up in only 90 minutes
- HARD EVIDENCE of a much higher radiation with 4G/LTE compared to 3G !! (2013-01-25) — Also see: 4G/LTE
- ►Open Letters◄ | ►►►Uncovering Sarie's 2013-03 "ADHD" Lies - misleading the public !!◄◄◄
Using Wi-Fi Technology is Thalidomide in the making - a real Genocide and Scientific Fraud !!
Clock Radios like many other electrical and electronic devices are NOT bio-compatible with humans and other forms of life, like animals and plants.
All electric and electronic devices are giving off electromagnetic fields and radiation to an effect, depending to their use, construction and design, which is directly measurable on the outside. Transformers on the inside are not sufficiently screened off and the radiation is influencing the people sleeping near by. This is especially true for the Brain area.
Clock Radios and also Alarm Clocks often make use of LED (Light Emitting Diode) Displays to indicate the time and date. It is a fact, that the cheaper versions of these displays contain high amounts of Infra Red light as well, which is having an additional health effect on the people being exposed during their sleep.
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and the respective authors. All right reserved.We like what we do. We are leading South Africa since 1993. We're looking forward to doing it for you, too.