Monsanto advert on Radio702 (2013-07-31, 09h05)

Monsanto advert on Radio 702 (2013-07-31, 09h05)

Listen to the Audio Clip:

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This is the ADVERT - but the ACTUAL TRUTH looks totally DIFFERENT !!!

If the above (embebed) player gives you any problems, just access the MP3 file directly:

Monsanto advert on Radio702 (2013-07-31, 09:05)
— To download it, just right-click and save it to your PC !

For the the actual FACTS and SAFETY, please see what we have collected about Monsanto, for yourself, now!

This Advert was broadcast on Radio 702 at:

  1. 2013-07-31 09:05
  2. 2013-07-31 22:47
  3. 2013-08-14 11:58