S T A T I O N : | Radio frequency | MP3 Streaming | Website: | Studio Telephone: | SMS Line: |
TalkRadio 702: | 106MHz FM | TalkRadio 702 | TalkRadio 702 | 011 883-0702 | 31702 |
567 CapeTalk: | 567kHz MW (AM) | 567 CapeTalk | 567 CapeTalk | 021 446-0567 | 31567 |
Total active Pages: 946
World's 1st Free Online
EMF Summit (2014)
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The latest NEWS
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Related Illnesses (Details), we can assist with …
▲Our Services
▲Our Research
▲Case Studies
▲Training Courses
▲Public Speaking
▲EMF Therapy
▲Reflexology Treatments
▲Energy Treatments
▲Meridian Therapy
▌The invisible Killer
▌Earth Radiation
▌Geopathic Zones
▌Geopathic Stress
▌Electro Stress
▌EMR = EM-Radiation
▌EMF = EM-Fields
▌Building Biology
▌Sick Building Syndrome
▌Moulds in the House?
▌Related Illnesses
▌Related Problems
▌Other related Problems
▌Research Institutions
▌More Interesting Facts
▌Blunt Tools (Medical)
▌Medical Blunders
▌Diseases caused ...
▌Safe Vaccines & Drugs
▌►Government's Mistakes◄
▌Water Quality
▌►Water Fluoridation
▌ULP (UnLeaded Petrol)
▌The 'Prozac Club'
▌Sweetner: 'Aspartame'
▌Carbonated Drinks
▌Genetic Manipulation
▌GM Foods
▌Nano Technology
▌Irradiated Foods
▌Nuclear Energy
▌Hydraulic Fracturing
▌(Active) Weather Control
▌ESKOM, what now?
▌Bill Gates, what now?
▌Monsanto, what now?
▌►EMFs are genotoxic!◄
▌►EMFs are neurotoxic!◄
▌►Are we all just Guinea Pigs?◄
▌Is Mobile biting our butt?
▌Wireless Communication
▌►Cellphones & Cancer
▌►SAR Values (Cellphones)
▌►Cell Towers & Cancer
▌►Wi-Fi / Wireless LAN
▌►Wi-Fi in Schools
▌►The Wi-Fi Genocide
▌►WiDi Technology
▌►NFC / Near Field Communication
▌Laptop make you SICK?
▌Tablets make you SICK?
▌►Li-Fi Technology
▌Baby Monitors
▌DECT Cordless Phones
▌3D Glasses
▌Virtual Reality Headsets
▌TETRA Phones
▌Traffic Radar Devices
▌Traffic Laser Devices
▌►► 'Smart' Meters ◄◄
▌►► RFID Chips ◄◄
▌Power Lines
▌Electric Blankets
▌Coil Spring Mattresses
▌►►Dirty Electricity◄◄
▌Energy Savers (CFL/LED)
▌EMFs and Mind Control
▌Stupidity - an illness?
▌►►►Kitchen Killers◄◄◄
▌Microwave Ovens
▌Non-Stick Coatings
▌Aluminium Cookware
▌Plastic Kitchenware
▌Environmental Problems
▌Geopathic Influences
▌List of Radiation
▌Check List (GS & ES)
▌DANGERS in your Home
▌Physics explained
▌Good Housekeeping
▌Sustainable Energy
▌Create your OWN Energy
!!! Winter Problems !!!
Press Releases
Responses to Government
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Quotable Quotes
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Environm./Health Issues
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Interesting Software
Interesting Apps
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S T A T I O N : | Radio frequency | MP3 Streaming | Website: | Studio Telephone: | SMS Line: |
TalkRadio 702: | 106MHz FM | TalkRadio 702 | TalkRadio 702 | 011 883-0702 | 31702 |
567 CapeTalk: | 567kHz MW (AM) | 567 CapeTalk | 567 CapeTalk | 021 446-0567 | 31567 |